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Programs and curriculum 

​"Education is the most powerful weapon which   you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Infant & Toddler Programing

Play activities are essential to healthy development for children and adolescents. Research shows that 75% of brain development occurs after birth and 85% by the time they are three. The activities engaged in by children both stimulate and influence the pattern of the connections made between the nerve cells. This process influences the development of fine and gross motor skills, language, socialization, personal awareness, emotional well-being, creativity, problem solving and learning ability. Our jobs as teachers are to support these outcomes through designing play content with purpose. In the infant and toddler classrooms our teachers balance the importance of daily care routines that are specific and individual to each child as well as implementing play based learning. Infants and toddlers work on sign language, sensory, and social skills. The teachers update parents through a live feed app which allows parents to have instant communication and access to teachers.

Early Preschool Programming 2 & 3 year)


A two year old method of play gradually changes from the toddler’s parallel play to an awareness of other children around them. They begin to play with their peers and this is where sharing comes into play. Basic social skills are also reinforced. These skills include, but are not limited to, sharing, self-control, and good manners. The children also begin to learn responsibility for their actions. Two year olds show a strong preference for independence.


Our two year old program reinforces colors, shapes, days of the week, counting, ABC’s, and body parts. Cognitive and fine motor skills are taught through shape sorters, blocks, stringing beads, puzzles, and more. We have many different dramatic play areas to stimulate active role-playing. There are also a variety of other activities provided, such as large motor, creative art, music, multi-cultural music, and story time. Toilet training becomes a large part of the two year olds day and we will respect your wishes and work with you during this period of guidance

Preschool Programing (3yrs-Prek)


Our preschool curriculum consists of the Iowa Early Learning standards, Christian Curriculum from post preschool, and PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports). The teachers at Ankeny Christian Preschool utilize the Iowa Early Learning standards to design and implement activities and centers to support these benchmarks. The teachers plan two daily core large group times. These core large group experiences are a variety of teacher directed, student directed, hands on, or teacher modeled learning times. We work on the core standards of the week as well as the theme we are studying. The students are also practicing essential kindergarten skills during these times, such as body basics, hand raising, turn taking, and listening. The students also participate in center rotations. Each day the Ankeny Christian Preschool teachers design centers to support our curriculum. The centers focus on the Iowa Early Learning standards as well as the theme of the week. Students will also focus on a specific sight word and letter each week. The preschoolers will write, read, and annunciate the letter and sight word throughout the week. Our child-centered curriculum focuses on both child initiated and teacher directed activities through dramatic play, creative art, sensory, language and literature, music and movement, manipulatives, and large motor skills.

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